Weddings can have anything from a small family to hundreds of people. While this isn’t a problem, hosting that many people can be difficult if you don’t plan accordingly. If you’re hosting outdoors, one important step is choosing the tent size that’ll fit your wedding. Here are some tips you can use to pick the best tent for your needs.
Look At Your Location
The first thing you should do is look at the location in which you’re hosting your reception and wedding, as the tent needs to fit in that space. Even if you want a large tent, it won’t fit in every location. You can then choose to find a new venue or change the size of your tent. You’ll also want to check that the location is alright with you setting up a tent and that it won’t go against its policies or regulations.
Use Your Guest Numbers
When considering the size of your tent, thinking about the number of guests you plan on having at your event is important. A wedding tent rental can come in almost any shape and size, so matching it to the expected number of guests will mean everyone has a place to sit under cover.
Consider What You’re Putting Under Your Tent
There are all sorts of setups that you can include under your tent, from dance floors to open bars to food tables. A lot can go under your tent, and you want to consider that. That’s why one of the best tips for choosing the best wedding tent size is to remember not just your guests but the amenities of your reception.
Match Your Vision
Like everything else in the wedding, you should pick the tent that best matches your vision for your event. If you only want a single medium-sized tent as a sitting area, you can do that even if you can get a bigger tent in your area. Additionally, using several small tents to section off areas or having a larger tent even for a small number of guests can better match your wedding vision.
These are a few factors that you should remember when picking out your wedding tent. Taking these things into account will help you create the best wedding possible and help you reach your vision for your perfect day.